About us

Architectura reg. ass.

ARCHITECTURA is a non-profit association with the mission of enlightenment, education and research in the field of architecture.

The main goals of Architectura

  • education in the field of architecture
  • care for the development of architecture
  • care of architectural heritage
  • publishing activity


The registered association ARCHITECTURA was founded in 2006 and was registered according to Act No. 83/1990 Coll. on the association of citizens, as amended, on 11 January 2006 under no. VS/1-1-/62 854/06-R.
The ARCHITECTURA association was founded on the recommendation of the Foundation of Czech Architecture as an organization that managed the exhibition program of the Jaroslav Fragner Gallery in 2001–2022.

Architectura z.s. is a member of ICAM / International Confederation of Architectural Museums.

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