Timber buildings on a timber building

Travelling exhibition of the Salon of Timber Buildings with excursion and debate

Opening on 19 October 2023 / 5 pm
Afternoon excursion to local wood buildings from 12 pm!
Expert debate with the participation of Kamil Mrva (architect), Vojtěch Dorňák (owner of Klouboucká lesní), Pavel Horák (architect and managing director of Prodesi/Domesi) and Radek Hegmon (chief designer and owner of Egoé). 
The Salon of Timber Buildings with the production support of the Pole designu (Field of Design platform) is organizing an architectural exhibition called Timber Buildings on Timber Building, which will present 39 selected timber buildings to the public, with an emphasis on the Czech and Slovak architectural scene. The intention of the event is to bring to light the accessibility, utility and aesthetic value of this type of construction, and to show the advantages and prospects of timber buildings as a sustainable form of construction in the field of individual residential, public, commercial and multi-storey buildings.

Among the studios presented at the exhibition, are: 
 Fránek Architekt, Aulík Fišer architects, Kamil Mrva Architects, Atelier 111 architects, OBJEKTOR ARCHITEKTI, Prodesi/Domesi, Ateliér VAN JARINA, Kubis architects, Createrra, MVArchitektura, MOLO Architects, Archcon atelier, GRAU Architects, DDAANN architects, AEIOU, Třiarchitekti, Archteam, Stempel & Tesař architects, Studio Ark, Modulora and others.

The exhibition will be open to the public until January 2, 2024 at the Egoé premises, roof of building F, Bílovice no. 519.